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We provide information on our website here and also at our sister resource site Holistic Equine for our equine clients. Below you will find a summary of the resources you may find most useful!
Need more help? Feel free to contact us!


Holistic Equine

Resource website for our equine clients

Holistic Equine was Beccys original Business. The website is being updated and now serves as a resource centre just for our equine clients.



Holistic Reflections Facebook Page

For connecting with friends and sharing of ideas, news and interesting stories!

Our official Facebook page is our main social media platform where we share interesting stories, recommendations, news, events and connect with friends, new and old! Follow us today and join our expanding Holistic Reflections friendship group!


Holistic Equine Facebook Page

For connecting with friends and sharing of ideas, news and interesting stories!

Our official Holistic Equine Facebook page is where we share industry related stories, recommendations, news, events and connect with friends, new and old! Follow us today and join our evolving Holistic Equine friendship group!


Holistic Equine Community Group

Holistic Equine Community Group on Facebook

A sacred space to safely and freely discuss all things relating to and promoting holistic horse care including management, hoof care, training and the evolution of the connection between humans and horses. Everyone is encouraged to join!


Holistic Equine Community Cumbria Group

Customer Service Representative

A locally based group and sacred space to safely and freely discuss all things relating to and promoting holistic horse care including management, hoof care, training and the evolution of the connection between humans and horses. Everyone is encouraged to join, particularly horse owners and equine professionals in and around Cumbria!


Educational Events

Events, lectures, demos, courses

We believe education and the ability to make informed choices is key to help promote better health and lifestyle choices. This in turn helps us all to connect, balance and evolve. To learn about our events, please visit our dedicated events page.


News and Articles

Sign up to receive our latest news and articles

Our online news section provides breaking news relating to health and wellness as well as new products, events and our latest updates. Posts are arranged by topic so you can search for your favourite posts, leave comments and share on social media and email too!



Download articles, checklists and articles

Our downloads page contains articles, forms, checklists and other useful information which can be downloaded for personal use.

Additional Recommended Resources

Visit Recommendations to additional resources. These may include products, people, services or organisations, their websites and/or publications.

Please note: we are not responsible for any information, products, service or advice provided by any organisations or people recommended on this site.

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